Chamber Music Concert

Collenbusch Quartett

The Philharmonic Ensemble with works by Smetana, Shostakovich and Szymanowski


Sunday | 6/15/2025
6:00 pm Start of Concert
Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast, Dresden
Schloßstr. 2, 01067 Dresden
Floor Plan
17 €
9 € for young people
8,50 € for Dresden-Pass and SB
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About the Concert

Tickets for this event will be available from 12.06.2024 from 10 am.

How much personal life do composers allow to flow into their works? And can you hear it? The musicians of the Collenbusch Quartet have selected three works that are strongly influenced by the experiences of their creators. In the case of Polish composer Karol Szymanowski, it is the First World War, which he experienced on his parents' country estate in what is now Ukraine: In his string quartet, he looks back musically and into the future. Similarly, Shostakovich composed his Third String Quartet at the end of the Second World War. But not in a gloomy, tragic way, but rather in a darkly humorous way, in which he allows the pain to come across as almost musically light-footed. The Czech national composer Smetana had an inkling when he wrote his quartet that he would soon be deaf. In a way, the result is an autobiography in sound


Karol Szymanowski
String Quartet No. 1

Dmitri Shostakovich
String Quartet No. 3

Bedrich Smetana
String Quartet in E minor "From my life"


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Christiane Liskowsky
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Christina Biwank
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