
6th Dresden Choir Day

Concert of the laureates of the "Förderpreis Dresdner Laienchöre"

About the Concert

The promotion of its diverse and exemplary choral scene is of great concern to the state capital Dresden. That is why the 'Förderpreis für Dresdner Laienchöre', which was launched in 2017, has become a tradition: For the sixth time, the Kulturpalast will host the grand prize winners' concert, in which the award-winning choirs will present themselves to the audience in a varied program. This year, you can look forward not only to well-known choirs, but certainly also to new ones!


Gunter Berger
Artistic director
Markus Kaufmann
Sigrun Rottstädt
Dresdner Laienchöre


Gunter Berger

Choir Director / Direction children's and civic choir

Gunter Berger received his musical education in school music and orchestral conducting at the music academies of Weimar and Leipzig.

Since 1990 he has devoted himself mainly to choral music with both children and adults. As director of the MDR Kinderchor from 1990 to 2011, he led it to European recognition. He has also worked with, for example, the Gewandhauschor Leipzig, the Berliner Cappella and many other ensembles.

Since the 2012/13 season, Gunter Berger has led the Dresden Philharmonic Choirs as choir director.

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Sigrun Rottstädt

Born in Dresden, Sigrun Rottstädt] grew up with music. Even as a child, she sang in the Philharmonic Children's Choir and learnt to play the piano. Her passion for music and culture later led her to study musicology and history in Dresden and Vienna.

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