Chamber Music Concert

Schubert's Winterreise

The Philharmonic String Trio & Bernhard Berchtold with the most famous song cycle of the Romantic period


Sunday | 2/02/2025
6:00 pm Start of Concert
Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast, Dresden
Schloßstr. 2, 01067 Dresden
Floor Plan

About the Concert

Tickets for this event will be available from 12.06.2024 from 10 am.

A wanderer without a destination or home in the midst of an enigmatic, abysmal nature. There are few works that have had such a fascinating and at the same time oppressive effect over the centuries as Franz Schubert's "Winterreise". The 24 songs tell of transience, loneliness, cold and imminent death. Strangely enough, however, they do not leave us in deep despondency, but rather in a melancholy mood from which hope can arise again. Perhaps this is also due to the sensitive, almost eloquent accompaniment, which in our concert is provided by a string quartet led by Heike Janicke.


Franz Schubert
"Die Winterreise" song cycle - arrangement for tenor, violin, two violas and violoncello


Bernhard Berchtold
Heike Janicke
Andreas Kuhlmann
Beate Müller
Ulf Prelle


Bernhard Berchtold

In the fall of 2022 Bernhard Berchtold will make his role debut as Lohengrin at the Theater Lübeck under the musical direction of GMD Stefan Vladar.

In the summer of 2021 he sang the title role in Zarewitsch on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Lehar Festival in Bad Ischl.

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Heike Janicke

Concertmaster of the 1st violins

Heike Janicke studied in her hometown of Dresden with Prof. Heinz Rudolf and Prof. Gustav Schmahl. Master classes with Josef Suk, Max Rostal and Yehudi Menuhin followed, as well as the soloist exam with Wolfgang Marschner.

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Andreas Kuhlmann

Andreas Kuhlmann began his viola studies at the Folkwang Academy of Music in Essen with Prof. Konrad Grahe. The concert exam with Prof. Emile Cantor in Trossingen and further studies with Prof. Serge Collot in Paris followed. As violist of the Werethina Quartet he graduated with distinction in chamber music.

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Beate Müller

Beate Müller, born in Erfurt, began playing the violin at the age of 8. She attended the Special School of Music in Weimar and switched to the viola a year before she began her studies. She first studied with Thomas Wünsch in Weimar and later with Dietmar Hallmann in Leipzig.

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Ulf Prelle

solo cello

Ulf Prelle began his cello studies in the USA with the La Salle Quartet and Zara Nelsova. Further studies took him to Basel with Thomas Demenga and to Cologne with Boris Pergamenschikow. Subsequently, he was a scholarship holder of the Orchestra Academy of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.

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