Chamber Music Concert

Brahms and Schönberg

String quintet by Brahms and Schönberg's romantic "Transfigured Night"


Sunday | 10/27/2024
6:00 pm Start of Concert
Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast, Dresden
Schloßstr. 2, 01067 Dresden
Floor Plan

About the Concert

This would be his last work, Johannes Brahms announced after he had completed his String Quintet op. 111. We know better today: he continued to write after all, and so his chamber music works for clarinet followed. But this quintet already harbours a sense of farewell, with passages full of melancholy and resignation. But Brahms would not be Brahms if there were not also traces of romantic cheerfulness in it. Schönberg's "Verklärter Nacht", probably his most popular and most frequently performed work, is also romantic and has nothing whatsoever to do with his later avant-garde music.


Johannes Brahms
String Quintet in G major

Arnold Schönberg
"Transfigured Night" for string sextet


Eva Dollfuß
Beate Müller
Andreas Kuhlmann
Dorothea Plans Casal
Bruno Borralhinho
Adela Bratu


Eva Dollfuß

Deputy concertmaster 1st violins

Eva Dollfuß began playing the violin at the age of five, having finally received a violin as a gift after much waiting and wishing. While still a schoolgirl, she won the prestigious Jakob Stainer Violin Competition in 1995 and as a result received lessons from Keiko Wataya until she graduated from high school.

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Beate Müller

Beate Müller, born in Erfurt, began playing the violin at the age of 8. She attended the Special School of Music in Weimar and switched to the viola a year before she began her studies. She first studied with Thomas Wünsch in Weimar and later with Dietmar Hallmann in Leipzig.

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Andreas Kuhlmann

Andreas Kuhlmann began his viola studies at the Folkwang Academy of Music in Essen with Prof. Konrad Grahe. The concert exam with Prof. Emile Cantor in Trossingen and further studies with Prof. Serge Collot in Paris followed. As violist of the Werethina Quartet he graduated with distinction in chamber music.

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Dorothea Plans Casal

Dorothea Plans Casal received her first cello lessons at the age of eight at the "Johann Sebastian Bach" music school in Leipzig. She was taught by Prof. Wolfgang Weber as part of the young talent development class at the "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Academy of Music there.

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Bruno Borralhinho

Bruno Borralhinho is artistic director of the Ensemble Mediterrain and a member of the Dresden Philharmonic's cello section. He is passionate about promoting music from his native Portugal and has conducted a CD recording for Naxos with works by Fernando Lopes-Graça. He also enjoys conducting in the opera pit, having already conducted new productions of Mozart's "Don Giovanni" (2023), Ravel's "L'heure espagnole" (2022) and Puccini's "Gianni Schicchi" (2018).

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Adela Bratu

Second violins prelude

Acclaimed for the “intimate beauty” of her playing “with which she charmed” the audience (Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten), Adela Bratu started her musical journey on the advice of her kindergarten teacher. After passing the entrance examination at the music high school of her home city – the Carmen Sylva College of Ploiesti, Adela received her first violin lesson at the age of six. Soon after, she began to succeed in various national and international competitions, such as the Paul Constantinescu Competition, W.A. Mozart Competition, Garabet Avachian Competition, and the National Music Olympics.

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