Symphony Concert

Mozart and Strauss

Piano concerto and symphony by Mozart and excerpts from famous Strauss operas


Saturday | 12/07/2024
7:30 pm Start of Concert
Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast, Dresden
Schloßstr. 2, 01067 Dresden
Floor Plan
59 | 49 | 42 | 36 | 27 | 20 €
29 € for young people
29 € for Dresden-Pass
29 € for SB ab GdB80 (+ggf. Begleitung)


Sunday | 12/08/2024
6:00 pm Start of Concert
Konzertsaal im Kulturpalast, Dresden
Schloßstr. 2, 01067 Dresden
Floor Plan
59 | 49 | 42 | 36 | 27 | 20 €
29 € for young people
29 € for Dresden-Pass
29 € for SB ab GdB80 (+ggf. Begleitung)

About the Concert

"Time is a strange thing" is perhaps the most famous line from the opera "Der Rosenkavalier" by Richard Strauss. Perhaps because it is true and we all reflect on the mysterious passing of time from time to time. This concert, in which excerpts from this opera and from "Die Frau ohne Schatten" are on the programme, is a good opportunity to do just that. Mozart was certainly ahead of his time when he wrote his famous Symphony K. 201. With it, he freed himself from his "superfather" Joseph Haydn and found his own ingenious style. His 26th piano concerto, on the other hand, puts us in a festive mood; it is also called the "Coronation Concerto" and was intended to put the audience in an upbeat mood for the coronation of Leopold II in 1789.


Richard Strauss
"The Rose-Bearer" Suite

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Piano Concerto No.26 in D major KV 537 ("Coronation Concerto")
Symphony No.29 in A major KV 201

Richard Strauss
"The Woman without a Shadow" Symphonic Fantasy


Kerem Hasan
Martin Helmchen
Dresdner Philharmonie


Kerem Hasan

Kerem Hasan is considered one of the most exciting young conductors from Great Britain. From 2019 to 2023, he was chief conductor of the Tiroler Symphonieorchester Innsbruck. His most recent successes include opera performances at English National Opera ("Carmen", "Così fan tutte"), Glyndebourne ("Die Zauberflöte") and the Tiroler Landestheater ("Samson et Dalila", "Rigoletto", "The Rape of Lucretia", "La Traviata"). He has also conducted countless concerts in Europe, North America and Japan.

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Martin Helmchen

Pianist Martin Helmchen has been performing on the world's most important stages for decades. The originality and intensity of his interpretations, which he presents with impressive tonal sensitivity and technical refinement, are what set him apart as a musician. Concerts with the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonic Orchestras, the Concertgebouw Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic are just as much a part of his portfolio as regular chamber music programs with esteemed colleagues.

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