Milko Kersten © Anna S.

Milko Kersten

Milko Kersten is an orchestra teacher at the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory in Dresden, Professor of ensemble work at the HfM Dresden, freelance conductor and President of the Saxon Music Council. He was a member of the Dresden Kreuzchor and studied conducting, choir conducting and piano at the Dresden University of Music. He was artistic director of the Saxony State Youth Orchestra for 20 years Head of Chorus 116 for 10 years. He is also musical director of the Serkowitz Volksoper. He was a member of the Music Advisory Board of the Cultural Foundation of the Free State until 2022 and then moved to the state capital in the same role. In May 2021 he was appointed to the board of trustees of the Europa Choir Academy Görlitz. Since 2022 he has also been a member of the jury of the Academy of the Oberlausitz Chamber Music Festival and the Advisory Board for Orchestras of the German Music Council. Since 2006 he has conducted, among other things, Every year he holds a family concert with his students from the Heinrich Schütz Conservatory together with members of the philharmonic sponsor orchestra.

concerts featuring Milko Kersten